Sierra Reed Interview


Our first ever contestant from the 18th season in Tocantins (toc-an-cheens Ben, remember that), Sierra Reed was nearly part of history in being part of a ‘cross tribal alliance’ that never really worked out. Having conflicts with several players, including the infamous Tyson, Sierra still managed to go deep into the game. Since the show has ended, Sierra has forged a successful TV hosting career in New Zealand as well as moving to the very country our show takes place in, Australia!


Sierra was put in a difficult situation from the beginning as while her tribe was forced to hike to the camp, she was ‘lucky’ enough to get a direct flight and avoid the long trek. This put her on the outs with some members of her Timbira tribe. After surviving the first couple of Tribal Councils and spending a large amount of time on Exile Island, Sierra soon found herself in the merge and after constant conflict with Tyson, eventually was voted out in 7th place and became the 3rd jury member.

In our interview with Sierra, she speaks about the correct pronunciation of Tocantins, why she moved to New Zealand then Australia, her experiences in our country and adapting to the local culture and language, being asked back to compete in Heroes vs Villains, everything related to Coach and Tyson, the Exile Island alliance and finding out about it, her dislike of Erin, not owning her own season on DVD, constantly teasing Jeff Probst, the ‘Tits and Ass’ appeal of players such as Parvati and Amanda and why her underwear became a problem in challenges.

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