39 days ago, 15 Ozlets were marooned at their computers, instructed by Ben that Survivor Oz was about to change…

We are communicating via the beautiful website, known as Survivor Oz: crystal clear images, magnificent commentary, and one the most stunning collections of contributing editors, in the world. Reading this article are countless readers, about to begin the adventure of a lifetime. They share one thing in common: they are fans of Survivor.

It is the ultimate game, but with one major twist: the readers will be voting, commenting on and contributing to posts along the way. Whilst the contributing editors may be making arguments, it is the fans that will have the final say.

From this point forward they’ll be forced to work together to create a new society; while battling the elements, and each other. They must learn to adapt, or they will lose track of the fantastic updates coming their way. In the end, only the true fans will remain to communicate with their favourite contestants.

Countless days ahead, 16 Ozlets (plus 1 Ben), 1… Survivor podcast.