Tamara ‘Taj’ Johnson-George Interview


As somebody who was extremely successful before her time on Survivor Tocantins, Tamara ‘Taj’ Johnson-George surprised many with her strong strategic gameplay and ability to cope well on her time in Brazil. As somebody who had to ‘survive’ a long time before her time on the show, it was trying to get people who recognised her from her pop career to look past her career to side with her, as well as living with people as eccentric and ‘interesting’ as coach.


Starting off with strong strategic gameplay and spending a lot of her early time on Exile Island, Taj found herself forming the ‘exile island alliance that would never materialise as much of a threat. She would finish in 4th place after not being taken to the final 3 by Stephen and J.T.

In our interview with Taj, she talks about having to watch 10 seasons in a few days, the difficult season she had to take part in, why it was impossible to go swimming, people on her tribe not knowing who she was, the reason she accepted a role on the show in the first place, wanting to strangle J.T and Stephen, her strong strategic ability as well as her music career and whether or not she has ever been asked back again to play.

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