Shii Ann Huang Interview


As somebody who first competed on one of the most unpopular seasons of all time in Thailand, Shii Ann Huang still has somewhat of a ‘cult’ status among many Survivor fans, and her game on All-Stars is also highly revered among many of the fans. As somebody who has steered away from the spotlight for close to a decade, Shii Ann hasn’t kept up much with the show since her time, and it’s surprising to her to see people even want to hear from her.


Initially being happy to be on the ‘younger’ tribe on Thailand, Shii Ann soon found numerous conflicts within the tribe and couldn’t wait until the merge to try and mix with various other people. In fact she couldn’t wait so much that she believed a ‘fake merge’ to be a ‘real merge’ and that sealed her fate just before the jury.

She was asked back to return for All-Stars, where she made some good alliances with Kathy and Richard before making it to the merge, where being on the outs from the dominant Chapera tribe saw her having to fight for her life in the game, before going home in 6th.

In our chat with Shii Ann, she talks about the shock of being requested to appear on the show, never having seen Survivor before she went on it, the large amounts of scenes not shown on TV, which contestant she had a secret alliance with that was never shown, throwing challenges and the various ways they can be done, why there were so many conflicts on Thailand, her thoughts on Penny, being hesitant to return for All-Stars, the fun factor of meeting and voting out Richard, not caring about the situation with Rob and Lex as well as not having watched the show since and what she did with the car that Amber gave her.

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