Courtney Marit Interview


When you think about the 12th season of Panama, one person who may just come to mind is the ‘lovable’ character of Shane Powers. You might also remember Shane’s fighting buddy in the wonderful Courtney Marit. Strong with her opinions but loyal through the bad times, Courtney certainly had a roller coaster ride along the way to nearly making the final days of her season. Since her time on the show, she has travelled the world, ‘won’ an Emmy and is in the process of getting married. But she also found out during our interview that she didn’t quite make the DVD cover for her season, which draws one interesting reaction.


Courtney started on the younger women’s tribe before finding her way to the switch where she formed a tight group involving Shane, Aras and Danielle. From there she found herself past the merge and looking likely to finish high, before things turned a little heavy and she was voted out to the jury.

In our chat with Courtney, she talks about why she is coming to us from a boat in Israel, how she went about getting on Survivor in the first place, why she had to buy a TV to even get prepared for the show, being surrounded by all the ‘LA people’, why things were so dysfunctional but tight, her relationship with Bruce and Bob Dawg and just why they didn’t get along, whether or not she has used a Zen garden since her time on Survivor, the mental drain it had on her towards the end, her relationship with Danielle, how close she was to being on another season, her upcoming wedding, just how she ‘won’ an Emmy and her reaction to not being on the DVD cover for Panama.

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