Peter Harkey Interview


Many people called Peter ‘strange’ during the fourth season of the Marquesas and he was never quite able to gel with his tribemates which would ultimately cost him a spot in the game and create history as the first ever male to be voted out first in Survivor. Between praying, giving his tribemates pep talks and talking about holes, Peter still did enough to be memorable and turns that into one of the most unique and entertaining chats we’ve ever had on Survivor Oz.


Peter struggled during the early parts of the game to make connections with the key alliances on his tribe, and this would eventually lead him to being voted out first of the Marquesas.

In our chat with Peter, he talks about how he is still recognised, why he sometimes tells people he won rather than being the first booted contestant, how he knew he would get on the show with a series of events that changed his life, Mark Burnett calling him during his episode and interrupting his viewing of it, why he wanted Rupert to be the first boot on Blood vs Water, his relationship and friendship with Boston Rob, how September 11 affected him and how it nearly prevented him going on the show as well as whether or not he really is ‘strange’, everything to do with holes  and how the bowling alley is going.

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3 Comments on Peter Harkey Interview

  1. The Nobullman // October 9, 2013 at 4:53 pm // Reply

    Goddamnit Shuin for not spelling out All-Stars. Goddamnit Ben for not knowing that ASS stood for All-Star Season.

  2. The Nobullman // October 9, 2013 at 5:09 pm // Reply

    That was a really fantastic interview, but I’m just godsmacked at how intertwined Peter Harkey is in Survivor History.

  3. One of the best interviews I’ve heard on this program. That guy’s awesome!

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