Ozcars 2014–The Winners


Well after two & a half weeks of voting, it all comes down to this! The winners of the prestigious Ozcars have been announced, and there certainly were a few surprises along the way! Did your favourite walk away in Ozcar glory? Click below to find out, and don’t forget to also download our massive Ozcar award live episode featuring a huge array of special guests!

We had a massive response to the entire Ozcars, with over … votes received in the final round alone, bringing the total number of votes to just under …! This was close to four times as many as we received in 2012! In each of the categories there were several upsets, with many of the first round leaders failing to capitalise on their lead and dropping back in the rankings. Below we list each of the winners of each of the categories, as well as show the final voting percent of each final round. In the coming days we will be revealing the top 25 of each category, so if you are still upset your favourite didn’t make the finals of a category, you’ll soon be able to see just how close they came!

The 2014 Ozcar winners are:



Spencer was never challenged in this category, and took his first Ozcar with ease! The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




Kass faced some tough opposition from Tony in the later stages and even fell behind the Cagayan winner for a brief period. However she pulled on through when it counted, and picks up her first ever Ozcar! The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




A strong social media campaign by Jeremiah just pipped his fellow Cagayan hunk LJ to claim his first ever Ozcar! Both men fought hard for the trophy and LJ lead in the closing stages, but Jeremiah lead when it counted most! The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




This one was never in doubt, and Morgan won without ever looking close to being challenged. The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




Alexis swoops ahead of some big names to claim her first ever Ozcar! A late charge from Laura Boneham wasn’t enough to unseat her! The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




Another one never in doubt, Spencer destroyed the opposition to claim his second Ozcar! The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




For the second year running in this award, the best new player does not go to a winner, but instead to a player many deem to have missed out on the ultimate prize! Spencer takes his third Ozcar, and upsets Tony in the process! The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




Some were surprised that Peter Harkey even made the finals, so many will be surprised that the first boot from Marquesas takes the ultimate prize for best interview in 2013/14! Beating on some very tough opposition as well, this is one upset and one famous victory all in one! The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




The only female Ozlet nominated in the final round beat off some tough opposition to claim the prize! The lead changed numerous times during final round voting, with Jarryd, Noah and Ethan all enjoying brief periods in the lead. However in the end Lancey takes the ultimate prize! The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




In one of the tightest categories of all time, there were three genuine people in it to win it during the final days of voting. However in the end it was a win for the second boot from Thailand Tanya Vance who beat pre-Ozcar favourite Billy Garcia and the ever popular Russell Hantz. The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




A perennial runner-up in this category the last two years, the three time finalist in this category finally takes home his first ever Ozcar statue and gives One World fans something to smile about! It looked as though Colby was on track to claim this award back from Malcolm, but Jay’s charge came late and when it mattered most! The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




After over 8000 votes in 2014 it’s absolutely incredible to have a category end in a tie! For the first time on Ozcar history it happened though, with an amazing late surge from Morgan doing almost enough to claim the outright award but ending up equal with the only woman ever to have won this category previously. An amazing result indeed. The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




Many people will no doubt shout ‘recency bias’ when it comes to this award, but there is no doubting how great a season Cagayan was and is a worthy winner of this award. In doing so it knocks off the only previous season to win this category Blood vs Water, and was actually never challenged during the entire voting period. The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




Just like Jay Byars in the ‘sexiest male of all time’ category, Russell Hantz had featured as a finalist in both previous years in this category and finally walks away the winner by a mere 18 votes from last years winner Cirie. An incredibly close field that saw new kid on the block Spencer also give the veterans a run for their money. Russell becomes the third different winner in as many years in this category, following on from Cirie and Rob Cesternino in 2012. The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




An amazing upset in this category sees Thailand winner Brian Heidik take out his first ever Ozcar and also become the first ever man to be crowned ‘best winner’! Brian started off strongly but looked destined to finish in 2nd place after first Sandra then Parvati dominated voting. However in the final few days he took the lead and never looked back to claim a famous victory! The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




The main award sees a third different winner in as many years and for the first time ever a male winner! Many would argue that Boston Rob is overdue when it comes to being labelled the ‘greatest of all time’ and for all his fans this is reward for their patience! Rob was never in doubt for this award, with early voting going his away ahead of Parvati and he never looked back. The final round voting for this category ended up like this:




The man who finished 2nd in last years Lifetime poll was never in doubt in 2014 and takes a deserving Ozcar to add to his countless other awards and accolades he has been honoured with over the years!



A huge list of guests joined Ben and the Ozlets for the announcement of the awards! You can hear from Cagayan contestants Spencer Bledsoe, LJ McKanas, Jeremiah Wood, Garrett Adelstein and J’Tia Taylor all take part in the awards ceremony, as well as Marquesas contestant Peter Harkey, Palau contestant Katie Gallagher, Thailand contestants Tanya Vance and the legendary Brian Heidik, Cook Islands contestant Billy Garcia and the Dragon Slayer himself, Benjamin ‘Coach’ Wade! You can download the full live episode by clicking the link below:

You can also watch the live Spreecast episode by clicking the link below:

A massive thanks to everyone who voted in this years awards! Remember you can check out the final 25s of each category in the coming days!

The Ozcars will return bigger and better in 2015! Get excited!

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Australia's Only 'Survivor' Radio Show! Tuesdays from 2PM AEST www.survivoroz.com

28 Comments on Ozcars 2014–The Winners

  1. Worst Ozscars ever:
    Cagayan best seasons #joke
    Spencer 3 Ozscars #joke x2
    Russel best players who never to have won #joke x3
    Rob Mariano #25% #seasonrigged best player #joke x4

  2. Parvati should have won best player of all time 😦 Mariano is great but definitely not the greatest after 4 tries!

    Cagayan purely deserves the award though! From start to finisht there’s no doubt its another better than H vs. V.

    Tony deserves the New Player award! At least avid fans know who the real winner is. Spencer winning best Jury Player is enough.

    Cant wait to see the overall lists! Thanks!

    • I agree with everything except that Cagayan deserverd to win. #recentbias for sure, but just my opinion 🙂

  3. Boston Rob soooocks! So disappointed that he won. Winning against the worst bunch of rookies in Survivor history – some would say handpicked not to give you any competition – should not make for the greatest winner ever. Also, only upon your fourth try…suckfest!
    That tie between Morgan and Parv is epic, though. Very happy for those two to have made Oz history. The result is absolutely incredible.

  4. Happy with Boston Rob getting recognition. All the haters need to suck it up. It was not about greatest ever winner but PLAYER. No doubt that he played hard and has all bases covered from physical and social nous. The latter is one thing which Hantz clearly lacks. It diesn’t matter if he went pre-jury twice – it’s the impact made. You have to make moves and take risks. Boston Rob paved the way for power coupling, aggressive game play and the sharp-witted and snarky confessionals. The only thing I am a little disappointed with is the fact that Tasha Fox did not win any category outright – although she did vote well in all nominated categories overall.

  5. Haleakala // June 9, 2014 at 6:48 pm // Reply

    Russell isn’t should not have even been in the running for the Best Person to Never Win. He sort of only got to the end both times because everyone he “controlled” knew they could beat him in the end. Spencer winning three Ozcars is truly stupid considering he himself didn’t think he was a good player, his story was big edit=good player, which like Russell isn’t the case. Also, I have no idea how Spencer was heroic at all when he trashed other players, which is why Sandra and Courtney were considered villains, I don’t think that being an underdog necessarily makes you a hero, and again Sandra and Courtney, both underdogs were considered villains. Cagayan winning best season is definitely due to recency bias. Boston Rob definitely isn’t the best player ever because in the end only winners should be eligible because the point of the game is that you need to get to the end and then win all the jury votes, in the end, BR only achieved this once out of four times, twice he didn’t even make the jury, Sandra should have won best player because she has won twice, therefore she is the best player ever. Best winner is different however, because she doesn’t have to viewed as the best winner, as the winners, when compared to each other, can only be based on the season they won, nothing else. Ultimately this Ozcars sort of sucked with a lot of people getting Ozcars they didn’t deserve namely Russell and Spencer.

  6. All the all-time awards showed so much bias towards the recent seasons. The worst one is the “Best season of all time”. Cagayan is good, but it’s best of the best? I doubt that. Maybe next year, the “best season of all time” will be season 29 or 30?

    • Look at this category the previous 2 years to see that no ‘recent’ season even made the top 5. Yes, you may argue ‘recency bias’, but you can also argue Cagayan was a great season as well. It will be highly likely that Cagayan will finish top 5 next year and possibly win it again, then it will show that it is far more than ‘recency bias’

    • I think it’s a combination of recency bias as well as being a very good season. It is certainly arguable that Cagayan is top 5 (and perhaps even number 1)

  7. #RecencyBias

  8. For people saying ‘recency bias’ coz Cagayan won best season, all I can say go f**k yourself! If you follow SurvivorOz’ Ozcars before you will see previous new seasons didn’t even win like Cagayan. if you actually watch the full season & say its not the best then you’re delusional. I guess if woo wins then Cagayan won’t even win. Heroes vs. Villains or Micronesia have 1or 2 dull episode imo unlike Cagayan. An enjoyable & exciting season from the beginning & have a very satisfying end. Besides the HVV winner is one of the worst ever in gameplay, strategy & attitude! Besides its the public’s consensus not individually. So if you want make your own list and see if anybody will care. Haters gonna hate but leave SurvivorOz alone. People are not the same. Its called preference ok? Im so sorry if your fave didn’t win. Sucks for you! Now shut up & leave!

  9. Too bad some people I vote didn’t win! Grrrrr. Better luck next year hahaha. 😉
    I watched all the seasons of Survivor and I think Cagayan is arguably the best. Its a plus that all are new players with mostly really wanted to win and not afraid to make big moves. Resulting to lots of holy blindsides gallore and drama! OMG! 😀 Additionally I can say that the end result makes me very happy. Some seasons are just too boring midway but I guess Cagayan kept the momentum that’s why people voted for it. We’ll see if it wins next year. I will still vote for it lol. *in love with LJ* ❤ PLEASE INTERVIEW HIM BEN THANK YOU!

    1. New players, no pregame alliances or relationships
    2. Memorable characters. Almost all players are active & very strategic. Total opposite of Boston Rob’s dumb cult in RI.
    3. LOTS OF BLINDSIDES & unexpected vote outs!
    4. LOTS OF DRAMA. Many clashes & arguments which is fun to watch.
    5.Great editing & challenges.

    • 1. New players like 20 others seasons
      2. All players are active & very strategic: The entire beauty (maybe not Alexis), Woo, Jtia, Lindsay, Cliff are not strategic
      3. Lots of Blindsides: Do you remenber Micronesia, Pearl Islands or China?
      4. I agree
      5. Great challenges, are you serious? It is the worst in terms of challenges

      Real reason: #recentbias, Caramoan and One World did’t win because there are two of the worst seasons ever.

      • J’Tia was on the brains tribe though. I do agree that there are those who didn’t have openly strategic games, but that goes for any season. I’m struggling to think of many seasons that had as many strong strategic games shown on screen. It’s possible even Cliff and Lindsay had some real strategy, it’s just that we didn’t see it. Same could go for any other season. What sets Cagayan apart is how the editing showed us so much from a majority of the contestants.

  11. One thing that isn’t being considered for Cagayan’s win is the competition it had in the top 5. Of all 5, only Cagayan and Pearl Islands featured all new players. There are many who don’t care as much for returning player seasons. While I would definitely rank Heroes vs Villains in my top 5, and I do think Micronesia had a lot of entertainment, nothing can beat the purity of an all new player season. I’ve always been puzzled by fans who constantly hate on returning players, yet Heroes vs Villains and Micronesia will rank at the top of their favourite seasons. The reason CBS keeps throwing returnees in the mix is because the public keeps telling them they love All Stars and Fans vs Favourite seasons. Cagayan’s popularity will only help put more new player seasons out there.

  12. Well, I’m shocked that Russell won the best player to new won

  13. Hero: Spencer, duh if he’s in the finals for Best Loser Ever.
    New Player: It was Spencer vs. Tony, and one could argue that Tony lucked out, so sure.
    Villain: Surprising; I thought Tony would edge her out.
    Sexiest: Surprising, given how Hayden’s in the finals for All-Time.
    2nd Boot: I expected Russ.
    Sexiest: Certainly my choice! Surprised nonetheless, given how non-prominent he is.
    Sexiest: Parvati yes.
    Season: No.
    Loser: No. Lol at Coach’s tiny votes. Spencer 3rd is impressive for a newcomer.
    Winner: Um…rilly, him? Queen’s still 2nd.
    Player: Eh. Queen’s still 2nd.


  14. What a fucking joke! If Rob is the greatest player ever than I’m the king of spain!

  15. Parvati must be the most overrated player of all time. She came second in the Greatest player of all time? What makes her so great? I guess some people buy into her edit
    ( which is always favourable) and the things she has to say about herself ( which are always good) a bit too much.

  16. After this years results I don’t think I’ll be coming back to this site again.

  17. I don’t see Morgan’s appeal but that’s just me though. I wish Parv alone would’ve won


  19. The fact that Spencer got more votes in “Best to never win” than Rob Cesternino is mind boggling.

  20. Yikes. I disagree with nearly every award here. Very disappointing. I mean Spencer best new player? Even Spencer didn’t think he was the best player in Cagayan. I could go into the rest but it’ll just piss me off too much.

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